Our Father

I’ve spent the last few evenings in my front yard. Not enjoying the finally-spring weather, not relaxing after a day at work, not sipping a mint julep (what do those taste like anyway?). No, I’ve been weeding, digging, moving stones, clearing last fall’s leaves, adding topsoil, setting out flowers (that most probably will *not* thrive, as usual), and mulching. And why? because the yard was a neighborhood eyesore for the whole month of April and the first two weeks of May. It’s still a long way from Yard-of-the-Month, but at least now it is a half-step up from Hell’s half acre.

On to the point…as I was grubbing in the dirt, thumb-wrestling an ugly earthworm for a particularly stubborn broadleaf weed, I heard a child–a little girl I think, but could have been a little boy–in happy conversation with a father. They were clearly having a great time, but I couldn’t make out their words… until, after a short pause, the child called out excitedly, “Daddy! Daddy! Look at me!” and the father responded enthusiastically, “That’s great! Way to go, baby!”

That exchange made my evening.

It reminded me that the center of life–not just my life, but human Life on this planet–is relationship. Relationship with Daddy. Papa. Father. An association with God that begins with recognition, moves through repentance into redemption and up to resurrection, culminating in relationship through the indwelling “Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.'”

The child in my neighbor’s yard was fully engaged with Daddy. For the task at hand, Daddy was helper, teacher, guide, and enabler. When, with Daddy’s help, the task was being accomplished successfully (Daddy, look at me!), Daddy was encourager (Way to go, baby!).

When I am fully engaged with God, God is all I need for the task at hand. And when, in God’s strength, I enjoy successful accomplishment, God is my reward.

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